

Fill Up Your Eyes became an important mantra for me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2008 and now that I am in recovery (is that the right way to describe where I am today?) it has become a way of looking at the world to see what is wonderful, exciting, unusual, positive, colourful, smiley.

I have always been a very visual person and have tried to see the world from the perspective of a glass half full.  I like to just look and notice things that are happening around me.

 'What is this world if full of care we have no time to stand and stare?'

I like to Fill Up my Eyes.  I like things that make me smile.  Both of these increase the 'good' hormones zooming round my body and that can only be positive.  I am creating this blog to record some of those things to remind me but if you stray upon this site I hope it makes you smile too. 

Pass it on - it could become contagious (or should that be viral?)